Another cool day; another hot lunch. Today, Trader Joe’s Tarte D’alsance. You might have noticed we’ve been testing lunch options and generally been disappointed. Not this time. The Tarte D’alsance is delicious.
- Trader Joe’s Tarte D’Alsace is $4.49 or $2.25 per serve.
Our Prather Ranch meat delivery has included double-cut, organic pork chops every month. It has become one of our favorite meals, simply sous vidé and fried off to finish, served with an interesting side: tonight an Apple, onion and brussel sprout combination.
Frankly brussel sprouts are just boring, and they were the weakest part of this dish. The pork was perfect.
- Pork Loin Chop Thick Cut $9.65 per serve
- Brussel sprouts came in a $2.99 tray, or $1.00 per serve
- Pink Lady apples add 35c per serve
- In the absence of a shallot, an onion adds 10c per serve
- Add 5c per serve for seasoning.
Tonight’s meal cost $11.15 per serve compared with over double that in a restaurant.