We enjoyed a Ham Salad Sandwich for lunch.
- The Dave’s Killer Bread is 74c per serve
- Ham is 92c per serve
- Add 30c for Mayonnaise
- Add 40c for salad ingredients.
A tasty sandwich for $2.36 per serve.
Continuing our informal ‘Italy’ week, we topped som Parmesan Risotto with Poached Shrimp and served with an Arugula and Parmesan Salad.
- The Parmesan Risotto came with its own flavoring for $2.96 on special, or $1.48 per serve
- The Shrimp is $7.99 on special, or and we used a bit over half or $2.50 per serve
- Arugula adds 30c per serve
- Add 50c for Parmesan
- Add 40c for Balsamic Vinegar.
A really great meal for $4.88 per serve. The Risotto kit was more appropriate for us than buying a large bag of Arborio Rice.