We finished some par-baked Panini Rolls, warming the Lamb at the same time. We stuffed the Lamb in the Roll along with Hummus.
- The Panini Roll is 63c per serve
- The Lamb Loin Roast was $3.69 per serve, halved to $1.85 per serve
- Hummus adds 35c per serve
- Garlic Spread adds 30c per serve.
This turned out really well for $3.15 per serve.
A return to a classic that we can’t call it Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Stew with Red Wine, Mushrooms and Bacon), but it is a French recipe that we served with Farro. We will get three serves from this meal.
It’s also the first time testing Stew Beef from Aldi, rather than our Keller Crafter Meat Box, which we have temporarily suspended, and will probably not renew.
- The Beef was $8.95 or $2.98 per serve
- Carrots were $1.00 or 33c per serve
- A onion was 50c or 17c per serve
- The wine is $1.50 for 1.5 cups or 50c per serve
- Add 50c per serve for seasoning, gelatin, garlic and oils
- The farro was $1.79 for the pack, but we shared ⅓ or 10c per serve.
We didn’t notice any lack from the change in Beef supplier. In fact, the Mushrooms and Broth are the star in this dish, and we’re contemplating doin a meatless version. Very tasty for $4.58 per serve.