A simple toasted sandwich of Smoked Turkey Breast, Swiss and Kumato.
- The Dave’s Killer Bread is 77c per serve
- Swiss is 34c per slice
- The Smoked Turkey Breast is 58c per serve
- Five Kumato were $3.49 and we had one each, or 70c per serve
- Add 30c for Garlic Spread.
A decent sandwich for $2.69 per serve.
A new recipe Stir-fried Eggplant with Tempeh Crumbles for our Meatless Monday.
- The three grain tempeh is $1.99 or $1.00 per serve
- The Eggplant was $2.98, but we only used one, or 75c per serve
- Add 50c for the other ingredients.
A decent meal for $2.25 per serve, but we felt the Tempeh could have used more toasting in the pan.