Apr 1: Bahn Mi; Braised Lamb Shoulder Chops with Tomato and Rosemary, with Asparagus


In what might become a “Christian Holiday” tradition, we had a Bahn Mi on Easter Sunday, as we did on Christmas Day. As always, it’s a great sandwich for $8.50 per serve.


Having grown up in Australia, the Foodies occasionally get a craving for lamb. Tonights lamb should chops featured rosemary from our garden.

  • The lamb chops were $8.18 or $4.09 per serve
  • The canned tomatoes were $4.99 and we used half, or $1.25 per serve
  • Rosemary came from our garden
  • Red wine adds 25c per serve
  • Black olives are $6.99 for the jar, but we used about 1/4 or 88c per serve
  • Add 25c for shallots, oil and seasoning
  • The asparagus cost $2.23 and we used half for this meal, or 56c per serve.

We were concerned that the should chops would be tough after the relatively short cooking called for by the recipe but they turned out fine: not fall apart tender but not tough. The sauce was flavorsome and the asparagus  had been well prepared in the panini press. A really good meal for $7.28 per serve.

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