Nov 2: Chicken Wrap; Airline Meal


A return to the roast chicken option. Today’s bird was so big we didn’t use the entirety of half a breast.

  • The flatbread is 50c per serve
  • The roast chicken is $9.99 for the bird, but we used .75 of a breast, or 94c per serve
  • Chickpea Balela salad is $2.69 or 68c per serve
  • Hummus is $3.99 per container and we used about 1/6 or 33c per serve

Lunch today cost $2.45 per serve.


Foodie Philip, who writes the blog, was heading for Barcelona on business, so his dinner was wheatgerm salad with shiitake mushrooms, and Chicken, Catalonian sauce, rice, mixed grains. The salad was tasty, the chicken dish: not bad for airline food.

Included in the airfare.

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