Lunch was our simple meal of Buttered Shin Ramen with Coleslaw Mix for $1.67 per serve.
We had a different meal planned, but when Foodie Greg found large Sea Scallops at Whole Foods on special, the plan was updated to serving the Seared Sea Scallops with Caponata, a recipe Foodie Greg has been wanting to try for a while.
Even halving the recipe will give us at least four serves of Caponata. We skipped the Cane Sugar and Basil from our version of the recipe.
- The Sea Scallops were on special for $8.94, or $4.48 per serve
- The Eggplant was $2.42, or 61c per serve
- We used Shallot instead of Red Onion for 10c per serve
- Add 20c for Celery
- Add 30c for a very generous serve of Capers
- The tetra-pack Pomi Tomatoes are $4.39, but we only used half the pack in this recipe, or 55c per serve
- Add 15c for the minor ingredients.
The Caponata was very tasty, as were the Sea Scallops, contributing to a very tasty meal for $6.19 per serve.