Once again we enjoyed a Toasted Chorizo, Bell Pepper and Gouda sandwich.
- The Dave’s Killer Bread is 74c per serve
- Gouda is 34c per serve
- The Chorizo was $4.72 and we used half, or $1.18 per serve
- Fire Roasted Peppers cost $1.99 and we used half, or 50c per serve.
It’s an excellent sandwich for $2.76 per serve.
On a hot day it was good to get outside and grill some Lamb Loin Chops, although the wind made eating outdoors a no go, sadly. We served them with a Cherry Kumato, Pickled Beet and Feta Salad
- The Lamb Loin Chops were $10.69 or $5.35 per serve
- The French (Valbreso) Feta was $10.99 but we used 1/6 or 69c per serve
- Pickled Beets adds 45c per serve
- The mini Kumatos were $3.99 for the punnet, and we used just over half, or $1.20 per serve
- Add 30c for Balsamic Vinegar.
The Lamb Chops ended up with a slight smokey flavor from the grill, as we give the fat a head start so it will smoke, and perfectly cooked. The Salad was a great accompaniment and the left over Mint, Preserved Lemon and Sour Cream Sauce from last night was great on the Chops. A well balanced and tasty meal for $7.99 per serve.