After reheating a Ciabatta Roll and two of the remaining Lamb Rissoles, we added Tabouli and our Lemon Yoghurt Dressing for a very tasty sandwich.
- The Lamb Rissoles are $1.94 for a full serve or 97c per serve
- The Ciabatta Roll is 58c per serve
- Tabouli is $2.99 and we shared half, or 75c per serve
- Preserved Lemon, Yoghurt Dressing adds 26c per serve.
The Lemon Yoghurt Dressing was a perfect counterfoil to both the Lamb and the Tabouli and made a very enjoyable lunch for $2.56 per serve.
Although we’ve already had a ‘Fishy Friday’ meal this week in the Smoked Trout “Cobb” Salad, we revisited the ocean for Coquilles Saint Jacques.
- Mushrooms were $1.49, or 75c per serve
- Bay Scallops were $5.99 per pound, or $3.00 per serve
- Butter adds 35c per serve
- Clam Juice is $3.39 and we used about half, or 85c per serve
- Half and Half is $3.99 and we used ⅛ or 25c per serve
- Add 40c for other ingredients.
Both Foodies found this full of flavor and very tasty, but neither finished, so we’ll get a lunch out of it. Dividing into two serves (with the extras free) comes to $5.40 per serve, or as four serves $2.70 per serve.