We finished the remaining half of the Frittata with a side salad.
- The Frittata was $1.77 per full serve, or 89c per serve
- Add 30c for Mixed Greens
- Add 25c for Cherry Tomatoes.
A tasty lunch for $1.44 per serve.
We had planned pick up take-out food tonight, but the weather outside was frightful, so we cooked Beef Massaman Curry instead.
- The Beef Stew Meat from Aldi was $5.94 or $2.97 per serve
- The curry is $3.38 per can or $1.69 per serve
- Coconut milk is $1.69 per can or 86c per serve
- Peanuts were $2.99 but we only used half, or 75c per serve
- Carrots were $1.99 or 50c per serve
- Potatoes add 34c per serve
- Add 20c for other ingredients.
The Beef became very tender and contributed to a very tasty and warming Curry for $7.31 per serve.