May 11: Shin Bowl; Vegetarian “Grazing”


A cooler turn in the weather made a return to the Shin Noodle Bowls from an attractive proposition. A pack of four was $3.69 or 93c per serve, which proved to be quite generous and a satisfying – if spicy hot – meal.


Tonight we did a “grazing” meal with the slight twist that there were no meat productions, it being Meatless Monday.

  • Foodie Greg picked up a $1.97 Camembert from Aldi, and we had about half, or 50c per serve
  • We used about ½ of the $5.75 Caramelized Onion Cheddar, or $1.44 per serve
  • Add 30c for Grapes
  • Add 25c for some very unsatisfying Sugar Snap Peas
  • Neufchatel is 99c a pack and we shared about ⅓, or 17c per serve
  • Almonds cost $5.99, but we only used about 1/8th the pack, or 38c per serve
  • Add 15c for Pickled Onions
  • Baby Bell Peppers add 30c per serve.

A very diverse and satisfying meal for about $3.49 per serve.

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