Today’s shared sandwiches were Egg Salad & Sprouts on one, Smoked Turkey, Kumato & Swiss on the other.
- Dave’s Killer Bread is 77c per serve
- Swiss adds 34c per slice or 17c per serve
- The Smoked Turkey Breast is 58c per serve
- Five Kumato were $3.49 and we shared one, or 35c per serve
- Sprouts add 30c per serve
- Garlic Spread adds 50c per serve.
Decent sandwiches for $2.67 per serve.
Tonight we repeated the Creamy Corn and Soy Chorizo. We substituted Beans for the Potato, because it’s a Chili, not a Chowder!
The recipe makes six serves.
- Soy Chorizo is $2.29 or 58c per serve
- We used two cans of beans at 99c each, or 33c per serve
- Bone Broth is $2.99 or 50c per serve
- Onion adds 10c per serve
- Celery adds 10c per serve
- Carrot adds 13c per serve
- Other ingredients add 10c per serve
- Avocado and Greek Yogurt add 50c per serve.
Once gain we were pleasantly surprised at how good this was. It had a good depth of flavor, with a little spice from the Chorizo.. Not just a good meatless meal, but a good Chili for $2.24 per serve.