Today we opened a can of Giant Baked Beans, added a slice of Swiss & toasted until delicious.
- Trader Joes Giant Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce cost $1.99 or $1.00 per serve
- The Dave’s Killer Bread is 66c per serve
- Swiss slices are 12 for $3.99 or 34c per serve.
A classic sandwich for $2.00 per serve.
Tonight was our first time preparing Enchiladas. Because it’s Meatless Monday we filled them with Black Bean, Corn and Onion, and covered with Enchilada Sauce.
- The Black Beans were 49c or 25c per serve
- The Tortillas were free with our Heuvos Rancheros last Friday
- The Enchilada Sauce was $1.56 or 78c per serve
- Add 50c for cheese
- Add 55c for Avocado and Yoghurt.
The Enchiladas were tasty enough without being exciting. We found them very filling! We had prepared seven Enchiladas, but Foodie Greg ate only one; Foodie Philip Two. Even wasting over half the servings, it was still only $2.08 per serve. (If we’d served it all, it would have been $1.30 per serve.)