We used the second Chicken Breast on sandwiches, with Swiss and Kumato and toasted them.
- Dave’s Killer Bread is 66c per serve
- The Chicken Breast is 75c per serve
- The Swiss is 33c per serve
- Five Kumato were $3.49 and we shared one, or 35c per serve
- Add 30c for Garlic Spread.
A tasty toasted sandwich for $2.39 per serve.
Our Meatless Monday meal was a new one: Miso Butter Mushroom Broth.
- The Mushrooms were $3.99 or $2.00 per serve
- Edamame was $2.29 and we used half or $1.15 per serve
- Broth was $1.99 or $1.00 per serve
- An egg is 51c per serve
- Soba Noodles are $3.29 and we used about ⅓ or 55c per serve
- Add 30c per serve for other ingredients.
This turned out really well. The Mushrooms became quite meaty and the broth flavorsome. A good meal for $5.51 per serve.