For lunch the Foodies collected a friend from the train, and headed for The Country Deli for lunch. The average for lunch today was $25.15 with tax and tip.
The Foodies finished out the year with a dish that was a big hit with our family in Australia last January: Warm Shredded Lamb Salad with Mint and Pomegranate. We’ll get five serves from this recipe
- Two large Lamb Shanks were $18.62 or $3.72 per serve
- The Pomegranate was $2.99 or 60c per serve
- The mint was $1.79 or 36c per serve
- The Sweet Potato Halloumi Bake is $1.34 per serve
- Shallots were $1.96 or 39c per serve.
As always this turns out very well, particularly if you use the juice of the Pomegranate. A really great end-of-year meal for $6.41 per serve.