Today we returned to the familiar and tasty: Been Sprouts & Hummus, Kumato & Cheddar.
- Dave’s Killer Bread is 66c per serve
- The Hummus was $3.99 and we used ¼ or 50c per serve
- The Old Croc is $4.99 and we shared half, or 63c per serve
- Five Kumato were $3.49 and we shared one, or 35c per serve
- The Sprouts are $2.99 and we use ¼ per sandwich, or 38c per serve
- Add 30c for Garlic Spread.
Two decent half sandwiches for $2.82 per serve.
Tonight we returned to a favorite: Beef Massaman Curry.
- The beef was $8.84, or $4.42 per serve
- The curry is $3.38 per can or $1.69 per serve
- Coconut milk is $1.69 per can or 85c per serve
- Peanuts were $2.99 but we only used half, or 75c per serve
- Peal onion adds 20c per serve
- Brown rice adds 33c per serve.
This is probably our favorite curry for $8.24 per serve.