Our local developer hosted another of their regular food trucks with Foodie Philip having a Ham, Cheese & Egg Croissant while Foodie Greg had a Breakfast Bagel. We enjoyed both.
With the cold winds around the Foodies decided it was soup weather, and what better way to start than with the classic French Onion Soup. This recipe makes at least four serves.
- Onions were $2.49 or 63c per serve
- Organic Stock was $4.98 or $1.25 per serve
- A cup of wine is 80c or 20c per serve
- The Panini Roll is 63c each
- The French Brie was $6.20 or $1.55 per serve.
A flavorsome, warming Soup that was enhanced by the Panini Roll and Brie, for $4.26 per serve.