Sep 26: Côte d’Azur Cure-All Soup; NY Strip Steak with Spinach, Almond, Blue Cheese and Pomegranate Seeds


It seems like an IBC tradition that one or other of us picks up a bug on the flight back. This time it was Foodie Greg’s turn to feel under the weather, so it was logical we’d have Côte d’Azur Cure-All Soup, for lunch with a crusty panini.

The recipe makes six serves.

  • Six pastured brown eggs are $3.06 or 51c per serve
  • A whole head of garlic went into the soup: 50c  or 8c per serve
  • Organic chicken bone broth was $3.99 or 75c per serve
  • Parmesan cost $5.49 and we used it all, or 92c per serve.
  • Add 40c for herbs, oil  and seasonings
  • The panini roll is 63c.

As a medicine this is delicious. As a soup it’s got a heady garlic aroma, cheesy saltiness from the Parmesan and a creamy texture from the eggs. It almost makes being sick worthwhile, for $3.29 per serve.


Thursday night steak night with a NY Strip Steak from our Keller Crafted meat box. Grilled outside by first rending the fat (and getting a good smoke going) and then grilling to rare and served with a bed of Spinach topped with Blue Cheese, Rosemary Almonds and Pomegranate Seeds.

  • At 10 oz the NY Strip is $8.22 per serve
  • Rosemary Almonds are $5.99 for the packet and we used about half, or $1.50 per serve
  • Organic Spinach was $1.99 and we used about ¼ or 25c per serve
  • Pomegranate Seeds were $4.49 and we used half, or $1.12 per serve
  • Crumbled Blue Cheese was $3.49 and we used ¼ or 44c per serve.

A great steak perfectly cooked and served with an interesting and tasty salad is hard to beat, for $11.53 per serve.

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