The Foodies were on the road to San Francisco so we packed some sandwiches to take with us: Roast Turkey Breast, Tabouli and Béarnaise Sauce.
- Dave’s Killer Bread is 66c per serve
- The turkey is $3.49 and we each had ⅓ or $1.16 per serve
- Tabouli was $2.69 and we used about ½ or 67c per serve
- The Béarnaise sauce was $3.29 and we used about ⅓, or 55c per serve.
It turned out we were over half way to San Francisco before we got to eat but they were good for $3.04 per serve.
After arriving in San Francisco we had time to grab a burger from Holy Grill, for $12.19 per serve with tax and tip. We felt the bread was a little soft, but otherwise a good burger.