Jul 6: BBQ Chicken & Kumato in Panini Roll; “Nachos”


For lunch we took the other BBQ Chicken Breast, split a Kumato and stuffed them in a hot panini roll that was covered with garlic spread.

  • The roll is 63c each
  • The Chicken is $6.99 and we shared a breast, or 88c per serve
  • Five Kumato were $3.49 and we each had one, or 70c per serve
  • Add 20 for Garlic Spread.

Another good sandwich for $2.41 per serve.


Since we had leftovers, we mixed all the remaining Taco meat and half the Soy Chorizo Enchilada mix together and heated it. We spread it on top of Trader Joe’s Organic Eloté Corn Chip dippers (seriously good) then topped with avocado and sour cream.

  • The Soy Chorizo Enchilada mix was $1.48 per serve, but split it was 74c per serve
  • The Taco Meat was $2.51 per serve or $1.26 per serve
  • A bag of four avocados was $6.99 and we shared one, or 88c per serve
  • Add 40c for Cotija cheese
  • The Eloté Corn Chips were $2.29 and we used about half, or 58c per serve
  • Sour cream cost $2.99 but we used 1/8 on tonight’s meal, or 19c per serve.

All up a good use of leftovers that had good flavor and a hint of spice. The Eloté Corn Chips are great and went perfectly in this meal, which all up was $4.05 per serve.

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