As we’re having vegetarian tonight, we went “fishy” at lunch with canned smoked tuna.
- The smoked trout is $3.49 per can or $1.75 per serve
- Sprouted Rye bread is 32c per serve
- Two avocados were $1.98 but we shared one, or 50c per serve
- Add 30c for butter.
A good sandwich for $2.87 per serve.
We over-catered with the grilled eggplant, so we had leftover. Add some more peanut satay sauce and a very inauthentic Vietnamese inspired salad.
- Eggplant was $6.78 or 97c per serve
- The peanut butter was $1.99 and we used about 1/2, or 25c a serve
- Other seasonings in the satay sauce add 35c per serve
- Add 50c for marinade ingredients
- Carrot adds 10c per serve
- The bean sprouts were $1.49 and we used half, or 38c per serve.
It was worth braving the cold weather to grill outdoors because this is a great meal for $2.55 per serve, although we have learnt that reheating slightly enhances the texture, so perhaps next time we’ll grill in the day when it’s warmer and reheat for the meal.