May 30: Roast Chicken, Heirloom Tomato & Mayo on Fresh Baguette; Penang Pork Curry with Baguette


Before lunch we were shopping at Jon’s supermarket and picked up a fresh (still warm) baguette, fresh roast chicken and a couple of heirloom tomatoes, so that’s exactly what we had for lunch!

  • The chicken was only $5.99 and we shared one breast, or 75c per serve
  • The baguette was $2.79 and we had 1/4 each, or 70c per serve
  • Two heirloom tomatoes were $3.47 and we used 1/2 of one, or 87c per serve
  • Add 25c per serve for mayo.

When all the ingredients are first rate, the result of even a simple meal is very good. This one was great for $2.57 per serve.


After the success with the Massaman curry paste, we ordered a variety pack of four flavors (including one Massaman), which arrived this afternoon so we decided to deploy the Penang curry with some ground pork and roast kabocha squash. The recipe made four serves.

Expecting the curry to be thin like a Massaman we kept some baguette for dipping!

  • The curry paste was $2.29 for the can, or 56c per serve
  • The ground pork, from our meat delivery, was $8.42 or $2.10 per serve
  • The kabocha squash was $4.36 and we used half in the curry, or 55c per serve
  • Coconut milk was $1.89 or 47c per serve
  • Add 20c per serve for other ingredients
  • Add 70c for the baguette.

A decent curry for $4.58 per serve. Perhaps we went a little too untraditional and didn’t do the Penang justice, but our curry preference remains Massaman!