More mixed sandwich combinations. Today, a return to the heirloom tomato and mayo, along with a new combination: lemon tuna (in a pouch) hummus and watercress. Both were worth repeating.
- Two slices of bread are 32c per serve
- The heirloom tomatoes were $5.07 for two, and we used half a tomato, or 63c per serve
- Add 20c for the hummus and mayo
- The Lemon Tuna was $1.39 or 70c per serve
- Add 30c for watercress.
Today’s sandwiches cost $2.05 per serve.
Yet another take on a Cobb Salad, this time with smoked trout replacing the chicken, and barrata replacing the blue cheese. Drizzled with a balsamic reduction this is another excellent Cobb variation.
- The smoked trout is $3.49 per can/serve
- A pastured egg is 55c
- Bacon is $5.49 for the pack and we used 1/4, or 75c per serve
- We used half a $5.99 heirloom tomato or $1.50 per serve
- Watercress is $1.99 for a living plant and we used 1/4 or 25c per serve
- The avocado was $2.99 for a bag of five or 30c per serve
- The burrata was $4.99 for two, or $2.50 per serve.
Tonight’s Cobb Salad was the best we’ve had for $9.34 per serve.