July 2017 Summary and Observations

July was a productive month at home, with no travel plans.

The averages for this month:

  • Lunch prepared at home $2.41 ($2.82 in June)
  • Lunch eaten or purchased outside the home: $10.29 ($8.13)
  • Dinner eaten at home: $5.29($5.15)
  • Dinner eaten out: $12.01 if averaged with the $5 pizza, otherwise $19.01 ($18.02)

These averages are proving to be fairly consistent month to month, with the primary variable on evening meal averages is whether or not the $5 pizza after LACPUG is included or not. Including it reduces the average quite significantly. Our most expensive meals were two lunches at The Country Deli at $21.55 per serve across both trips.

Meals out tend to cost about three times meals at home.

Had we purchased every lunch and prepared none it would have cost us $318.99 per person in July. We actually spent $48.21 for lunches at home plus $102.94 for lunches purchased or eaten out: $205.35.

Had we purchased every evening meal out and prepared none at home, it would have cost us $589.31. We actually spent $153.29 for dinners at home and $24.01 for dinners out: $177.30.

We saved $526.65 by preparing and eating most meals at home, plus we have better control over what we eat. Over the month we prepared 23 different recipes for evening meals.

Jul 31: In and Out Double Double; Eloté


Another Burbank Monday had Philip eat his regular Double Double Animal Style from In and Out between appointments. With the recent living wage increase it now costs $4.26 with tax. Greg finished the Dutch mustard soup for $2.18 a serve.


The main reason we added a grill to our culinary options was for Eloté. We even did a video on it while we still had access to Avalon Burbank’s grills. It’s simple to prepare but has a huge flavor pay-off with the sweetness of the corn – enhanced by the grilling – balanced with the creamy ‘glue’ and salty cotija cheese.

The corn came from Jon’s market and was super fresh.

  • Six ears of corn were $1.98 or 66c per serve of two
  • Cotija cheese is probably the most important ingredient for sloté and this time we found some at our local Ralph’s supermarket for $3.99 for 8oz, and we used about 1/4 or 33c per serve.
  • Add 15c for mayonnaise and sour cream for the ‘glue’.

Dinner tonight cost $1.14 per serve for the elite. While the corn was grilling we enjoyed half of a batch of roquamole – avocado and roquefort cheese mixed together, which was delicious and, with blue corn chips, added $1.08 to the meal, for a total of $2.22!