Continuing our experiments with a variety of lunch sandwich options, today we put together pastrami, spicy labné and tabouli, and hummus with some of the Crunchy Mediterranean salad from last night.
- The bread is $2.79 for the loaf of 18 slices, or 31c per serve
- The pastrami beef was $4.99 for 8 oz, and we used about 3 oz in this sandwich, or 94c per serve
- Hummus is 33c per serve
- We served 1/4 of the tabouli salad or 67c per serve
- The salad kit is $3.50 but makes four serves and we used half a serve between us, or 22c per serve.
- Add 25c for spicy labné.
Today’s sandwiches provided a nice variety of flavor and texture. The tabouli almost disappeared in the pastrami sandwich, but did add a little texture and wetness that was appreciated for $2.72 per serve.
Time for one of our favorite burgers: Portobello mushroom with bacon, caramelized onion, brie and arugula. The bacon is optional as we had one vegetarian guest for dinner. We served it with a Tropical Mango salad kit from Trader Joe’s.
- Hamburger rolls are $1.88 for 8 or 24c per serve
- Bacon was $5.29 for the pack and we used 40% or 42c per serve
- Portobello mushrooms are $1.50 each
- The brie was $5.84 and we used about 70% of it, or 82c per serve
- The onions were $2.49 and we used about half the caramelized result, or 25c per serve
- Organic arugula is $2.29 and we used less than 1/4 or 12c per serve
- The salad kit was $3.99 or 80c per serve.
This burger won over our slightly skeptical (meat eating) guests and was a major hit with our vegetarian guest. This is our favorite burger, and has a lot more flavor and textural variety than a typical meat burger. All in the meal was extremely satisfying for $4.15 per serve.