Back to our routine chicken wrap.
- The flatbread is 50c per serve
- The roast chicken is $9.99 for the bird, but we used 2/3 one breast, or 42c per serve
- We served 1/2 of the $3.68 edam salad or 67c per serve
- Hummus is $3.99 per container and we used about 1/6 or 92c per serve.
Lunch today cost $2.51 per serve.
Last minute changes meant finding a simple meal at short notice, so we took a Trader Joe’s Quiche Lorraine and paired them with the remaining green beans prepared with butter and a lot of garlic!
- The quiche is $5.49 or $2.75 per serve.
- We used the remaining 2/3 of the $3.99 french beans or $1.33 per serve
- Add 10c for garlic.
Dinner tonight cost $4.17 per serve.