Back to our routine chicken wrap.
- The flatbread is 50c per serve
- The roast chicken is $6.99 for the bird, but we used one breast, or 88c per serve
- We served 1/4 of the tabouli salad or 67c per serve
- Hummus is $3.99 per container and we used about 1/6 or 33c per serve.
Lunch today cost $2.38 per serve.
A simple meal: the legs and thighs from the roast chicken, with a rice pilaf featuring red lentils.
The pilaf was nowhere near as good as the simple pilaf of a couple of nights ago because the red lentils made it go gloopy. I’m pleased the picture didn’t turn out (because there was no card in the camera.)
- Chicken leg is $1.75 per serve
- Rice and red lentils add another 60c per serve.
Dinner tonight was serviceable but cheap at $2.35 per serve.