Back to our routine chicken wrap.
- The flatbread is 50c per serve
- The roast chicken is $9.99 for the bird, but we used half of one breast, or 63c per serve
- We served 1/4 of the tabouli salad or 67c per serve.
- Hummus is $3.99 per container and we used about 1/6 or 33c per serve
Lunch today cost $2.13 per serve.
With another four serves of the bacon and black bean chili in the pot, it was obvious what we were having this evening.
- There were four serves of black bean left for a total cost of $5.48 or 92c per serve
- The dry aged ground beef was $8.69 or $1.45 per serve
- Chipotle adds another 20c per serve
- Green onions add 20c per serve
- An avocado shared cost 89c per serve
- We substituted labne for the sour cream at 28c per serve
- A little cheddar cheese adds 50c per serve.
As last night, tonight’s meal was just $4.44 per serve.