Jan 30: Double Double; Cioppino


Another Burbank Monday and Philip had his usual In and Out Burger Double Double for $4.08.


After the pork last night, it’s time to revisit the Cioppino by adding a pound of shrimp to the mix and gently bringing it to temperature.

  • Olive oil – less than 3c serve
  • Fennel bulb at $2 makes for 33c serve
  • Onion at 50c makes it 9c a serve
  • Four large garlic cloves are about 1/4 of the 50c garlic – 7c serve
  • Tomato paste 90c can but only half was used, for 8c serve
  • Diced tomatoes in juice – $3.99 or 67c serve
  • 1.5 cups dry white wine – about $1 or 16c serve
  • 5 cups fish stock $6.20 or $1.03 serve
  • The pack of shrimp cost $6.99 or $3.50 per serve
  • Served with Simple Truth Ready to bake garlic bread – $3.49 for the loaf . We used about 2/3 for the meal, or 78c per serve

The shrimp was perfectly cooked and the meal cost $6.74 per serve.

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