Time to check out a recommended Mexican take-out in Chatsworth by ordering a favorite: Huevos Ranchero or Rancher’s Eggs.
Lunch today was $7.00 a serve with tax and tip.
Thursday night is traditionally our steak night, but this week we’re off by one day! Fortunately cooking on the griddle over the induction cooktop doesn’t generate much heat, and a salad requires no heat!
The Balsamic Strawberry and Cucumber salad has been a long time favorite of ours. We had it sufficiently often that Foodie Greg became bored with it, so it’s been a while! Marinating the strawberries in the balsamic vinegar transforms them. The cucumber and blue cheese bring perfect balancing notes.
As usual, we prepare these dry aged, organic steaks with just a sear to the outside. That also keeps the amount of heat generated to a minimum.
- The steak came from our Prather Ranch delivery and cost $9.98 per serve
- We used half the $2.99 punnet of strawberries, or 75c per serve
- A box of Persian cucumbers was $2.49, and we used about half, or 63c per serve
- Blue cheese comes in a $6.99 tub, but we used so little, it comes to 22c a serve
- Add 20c per serve for the balsamic vinegar.
Dinner tonight cost $11.78.