Since we had some great bacon from our meat delivery, why not a classic Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato roll? Top quality ingredients elevate the simplest food, and this was no exception.
- The bread came from the 3/4 remaining of the $3.99 par-baked roast garlic loaf or $1.50 a serve.
- Bacon is $1.00 a slice or $2.00 per serve
- The Cos Lettuce came from the gifted lettuce
- The tomatoes were $2.79 and about 1/3 went on the BLT, or 47c per serve.
Lunch today cost $3.97 per serve.
When the Foodies first met, a regular meal together was a “half Karls, half Canadian” pizza from Old Castille – then on Bondi Road. We’re now a little too far outside their delivery zone, so we decided to create our own Canadian – a fish pizza.
We smoked the cod, because we can and to add some additional flavor, and swapped out cream cheese instead of sour cream because the cream cheese would not melt and run as easily.
We could have made the dough from scratch, but for $1.19 why bother?
For an appetizer we had some padron peppers we’d been given, fried off in the remaining bacon fat from lunch. Yum.
- Pizza dough is $1.19 from Trader Joe’s or 60c per serve
- 8 oz of cream cheese is $1.69, and we used about 1/2 or 42c per serve
- The frozen cod fillet is $1.71 or 86c per serve
- Another 1/3 of the tomatoes or 47c per serve
- Allow 25c for a generous serve of capers each
- The 4oz pack of smoked salmon $5.99 or $3 a serve.
Tonight’s Pizza cost us $5.60 per serve, mostly because of the smoked salmon! Compare with the original at $22 for a large, or $11 per serve!