Time to clear out some remaining vegetables from the refrigerator, and what better way than to make a frittata?
- Trimmed leaks are $2.99 per pack, but we only used one, so 75c per serve
- Two packs of fresh, sliced mushrooms cost $3.99 a pack, or $2 a serve
- Five eggs were left, so all five went into the frittata – $1.25 per serve
Lunch today cost $4.00. It’s todays lead picture.
A revisit to the remaining Popeye’s chicken, with home made red beans and rice.
- The 10 piece pack is on special for $13.99 ($15.20 with sales tax because it’s hot takeout), or $1.52 per piece. We served two pieces per serve for $3.04.
- Each can of organic beans was 99c and we used three, or 50c per serve
- In place of the andouille sausage used a smoked chicken sausage, which was way too high in salt: $2.49 for the sausage, or $1.25 per serve
- Chicken broth $2.29 or 38c a serve
- Onion, oil and garlic and seasonings about 15c per serve
- And the rice: 33c a serve
Dinner tonight was $5.65 per serve.