Since it there was a supermarket trip anyway, we choose Sushi again. $12.78 or $6.39 a serve.
TheĀ Stir Fried Beef and Broccoli we were going to have last night got moved to tonight. Good thing it’s quick because we were back late from having the flooring finished at our new house. The slowest part was cooking the sprouted brown rice. On the table 35 minutes after arriving home.
We used slightly less meat than the recipe calls for and added mushroom to recipe to compensate.
- Stir fry beef $10.49 or $5.25 per serve
- The broccoli was $3.79 or $1.90 per serve
- Ginger 28c or 14c per serve
- Sprouted rice is 92c per serve
- Other ingredients add up to around 20c per serve.
Tonights meal cost $8.41 per serve. It could be less with more conventionally grown protein, but we are happy to pay a little more for the quality of life of the animal.